Israel Figa Talks About How COVID-19 Cases Are Destroying Populations Of India And Brazil

A year after COVID-19 was recognized as a global pandemic, different countries across the world are in different situations. While some countries have almost eradicated the infected cases, some are still facing the pandemic with large fatality rates. Countries that didn’t have a good response to the initial wave of the pandemic are now in a terrible state as they are overcome with the second and third waves of the disease. Two of the most currently affected countries are Brazil and India who are setting records for COVID-related deaths. The tragedies that seem to be endless are due to poor resources and lack of hospital rooms, medical staff, medicines, and other flaws in the system. Israel Figa talks about the current conditions in India and Brazil.

COVID-19 Impact On India and Brazil


India is currently among the countries that faced the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It recorded 300,332,730new cases in a single day which was the largest number of cases recorded in a single day all over the world. The second-highest number of single-day cases was recorded in the US at 300,310. People are dying in numbers over one thousand due to the infection and currently, the situation is only getting worse. At the moment, the country has lost nearly 187,000 of its population to the global pandemic. According to the WHO, around 28% of the total new COVID-positive cases globally came from India.

The increased number of infected people along with the high fatality rate has led to a lack of space in hospital rooms and graveyards. There is a shortage of hospital beds and oxygen supplies in countries all over India. Moreover, due to lack of space and arrangements for burial, dead bodies of the infected are being lined up in the streets resulting in more issues. Israel Figa explains that the Indian government is facing backlash from the population because of the terrible crisis the country is going through.


Brazil is in a similar state to India and is going through one of the worst cases of pandemic. The clear blame for the terrible COVID-19 situation in Brazil can be attributed to the government’s response where the president didn’t consider the pandemic a real thing and referred to it as the common flu. An estimate suggests that Brazil may have to face a fatality count exceeding 500,000 deaths.

Lack of medical resources such as hospital beds and low quantities of vaccines are depriving people of getting the necessary help. Due to the terrible initial response to the pandemic, the country lost the opportunity to buy vaccines for its citizens. While now Brazil has ordered enough doses for its entire population, it was a step taken one too late judging by the dire condition of the population. It is being said that Brazil is at a nationwide collapse at the moment judging by how the public health system is failing. It is reported that Brazil has 92 coronavirus variants in the country where a few are proving to be more contagious and deadly than the rest. The large size of the country’s population and the number of infected people are providing room for new variants of the disease to develop. It is not only important to get the situation under control to save Brazil, but for the whole world in case the new variants get outside the country. The situation has come to such a state that even infants are not getting COVID-positive results.

Final Thoughts

Brazil and India are countries with huge populations and not enough resources. The countries’ governments had poor responses to the initial COVID-19 wave which encouraged the citizens to take the pandemic lightly. Now, at the second wave of the infection, the two countries are facing some of the worst consequences. Israel Figa explains that while there is a shortage of oxygen tanks in India for the patients, new variants of coronavirus which are proven to be more deadly and contagious are forming in Brazil. The situation in both these countries can have a drastic effect on the globe and so other governments should take the initiative to help them.