Paleo diet meal foods vary depending on availability and geographic location. Though, the basic concept of this meal plan is to consume whole foods and avoid processed diets.
The human body and its nutrient requirement vary from person to person thereby, there is no one “right” way to eat a paleolithic diet. Also, a lot depends on what is available at the time and where in the world you live in. There are several variants of the diet- some are predominantly plant-based while the latest variants focus on animal products.
The meal plan suggests avoiding processed food and emphasizes eating fresh fruits, veggies, roots, nuts excluding dairy products, sugar, grains, salt, processed oils, caffeine products. The concept behind the meal plan came from primitive diets backed around the 19th century. In the 1970s Walter L. Voegtlin propagated a meat-centric “Stone Age” diet, and in the 21st century, the Paleo Diet was gaining popularity through the best-selling books around the world. The paleo diet industry as of 2019 is worth around US$500 Million.
Today, the Paleolithic diet is an approach towards a healthy lifestyle and a way of improving your overall health. Though, before making any changes to your current diet plan make sure to consult a doctor or dietitian.
In this kind of a diet, some eat a low-carb meal high in animal foods, while others follow a high-carb diet, mostly plant-based. Here are some basic guidelines which you may follow in case you are planning to be on a Paleo meal.
Consider having more eggs, fish, meats, vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, and oils in your meals.
Foods to Avoid When on a Paleo Diet
Avoid the following foods and components;
- Sugar, artificial sweetener, high-fructose components: Soft beverages, fruit juices, sugar candy, cake and pastries, ice cream, and so on.
- Grains: Bread and pasta, wheat, rye, barley, etc.
- Legumes: Beans, lentils, and many more
- Dairy: Avoid most of the dairy products, particularly low-fat (some varieties of paleo meal plan do include full-fat dairies like butter and cheese).
- Some vegetable oils: Sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, etc.
- Trans fats: Found in margarine and many processed foods. Usually identified as “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils.
- Highly processed foods: Not everything that is labeled “diet” or “low-fat” is healthy, it includes additives. It may also include some artificial meal replacements. So, always try eating as fresh and natural as possible.
A simple tip could be; if it looks like it is factory-made, avoid eating it!
You may also consider making a paleo meal plan delivery in case you have a busy schedule to keep up to. Order from the freshest of ingredients and enjoy the taste of health from the comfort of your home.