How Can Fotona in Singapore Help with Acne Scars?

Fighting acne and emerging triumphant from days of irritated skin might seem like a victory, but the scars that linger might be a distressing reminder. Acne scarring may be a psychologically and emotionally exhausting experience. We understand, and our specialists could create a treatment regimen tailored to your individual skin and requirements.

What Are the Causes of Acne Scars?

Acne scars form as a direct consequence of significant harm to your skin produced by acne inflammation, resulting in either excessive or insufficient collagen formation. Picking at acne blemishes, for example, might aggravate scar development.

Our Approach to Acne Scar Treatment

There are several varieties of acne scars and blemishes, and each person has a unique mix of scars. It’s critical that your therapy be tailored to your individual skin problem.

What Exactly Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars usually appear as permanent indentations or depressions in the skin. Scars may also be raised at times. They cause textural changes in your skin.

What Factors Contribute To Acne Scarring?

Acne scars are usually caused by the inflammation of the skin that occurs once acne develops. The inflammatory process causes damage to skin tissue. Once the skin is injured, a scar is formed in your dermis, the skin’s deep layer. This scar is usually constricted or doesn’t contain sufficient collagen fibers, resulting in an irregularity in the skin. They’re usually aggravated if you pop or pick your pimples.

Acne scars may be avoided entirely if acne is addressed in its early phases.

What Are The Many Forms Of Acne Scars?

Acne scars differ from one another. Scars come in a number of forms, each of which needs a unique or tailored treatment to be successful. It’s typical to have scars from many different kinds.

Ice Pick Scars

Ice pick scars feature a little hole, however, they are usually deep acne scars in your skin.

Box Car Scars

Box car scars are fairly shallow scars with well-defined, rectangular opening edges.

Rolling/Atrophic Scars

Rolling scars manifest as larger depressions. These scars usually have sloping or rounded edges instead of well-defined edges.

Keloid Scars/Hypertrophic Scars

These are raised scars. They look like lumpy scars left behind after acne healing.

It’s because, as your skin becomes irritated, fibrous scar tissue forms over your wound to mend it. These scar tissues may sometimes proliferate abnormally, leading to a raised hump above the original lesion.

Post-Inflammatory Erythema Acne Marks

Post Inflammatory Erythema often manifests as red or pink markings as a consequence of a severe acne eruption.

Post-Inflammatory Erythema is usually caused by the dilatation or injury of tiny blood vessels (known as capillaries) close to the surface of skin. In most cases, they are caused by inflammation and damage, such as picking or bursting pimples.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Once acne has healed, PIH appears as a dark area on the face. These signs are not the same as Post Inflammatory Erythema. Once your skin heals, the red stains go away, leaving a range of discoloration patches that might be red, pink, black, or brown.

PIH is often induced by skin damage like burns, frequent rubbing, or chemical irritation. This causes melanin overproduction, which causes skin discoloration.

Singapore Fotona Laser Treatment

How Is The Fotona Laser Used For The Treatment Of Acne Scars?

Compared to dermabrasion chemical peels, Fotona in Singapore treats deep scars while keeping the surface skin unaffected. Er: YAG laser energy is delivered precisely and gently, vaporizing scarred tissue and stimulating the development of new skin-boosting collagen without hurting the top skin layer. Recovery is quicker and more effective.

In the treatment of acne scars, how is the Fotona Er:YAG laser unique from a CO2 laser?

Because of its low frequency of side effects and quicker recovery period, Fotona in Singapore is rapidly becoming the laser therapy of choice for treating acne scars. Unlike Er: YAG laser procedures, CO2 laser procedures produce greater pain and have a higher risk of producing PIH (darkened scarring of your skin following laser therapy).

How Long Does It Take To Complete The Therapy Procedure?

The acne scar therapy method itself takes just approximately 15 to 20 minutes, and topical numbing is used beforehand. After therapy, the majority of patients are able to resume their usual daily activities.