Plastic surgeons work on reconstructive procedures for people with conditions such as birth disorders, illness, burns and injuries. There are various categories of plastic surgeons and what they do differ. Most have however chosen to focus on cosmetic surgeries that restores a person’s appearance. The most competitive route in medicine is plastic surgery and most doctors specialize in restructuring and contouring. Plastic surgeons Sydney are known for their specialization and experience in offering quality plastic surgery to patients. Training to become a plastic surgeon takes a long time before one become a professional. Medical school and training for a surgeon can take almost a decade but one can choose two paths, a six-year residency program or a five-year surgery residence followed by a three-year plastic residency. Every trainee has to practice plastic surgery in their state. Afterwards they can choose to specialize in either breast surgery, reconstructive surgery, scars and burns, hands, and craniofacial surgery.
Liposuction procedures have to be done by trained and professional plastic surgeons. The procedure is used to suction and get rid of fats from body parts like the abdomen, arms, thighs, hips, buttocks, and neck. The procedure helps by putting the body parts into shapes hence refers to as body contouring. It is recommended for people who have excess body fats in some areas and not a weight loss method. Some body parts have excess fats that cannot be removed by exercising or dieting. The procedure can be used for breast reduction and gynecomastia treatment. This procedures work by reducing the number fat cells in a particular part that has resulted due to weight gain. Liposuction Sydney services are affordable and quality for patients who need body contouring and fat removal.
The changes made and body contouring after liposuction remains the same and is permanent so long as the patient maintains their weight. The amount of fat cells removed is determined by the body parts appearance and amount of fat deposited on the area. The procedure helps by allowing the skin to mold itself to the new corrected part. The skin can however become loose or smooth depending on the persons skin type and skin elasticity. However, the procedure cannot be used to correct cellulites, skin unevenness, or remove stretchmarks.
The patients who qualify for liposuction procedures have to be healthy to avoid other more serious or worse complications. Just like any other critical surgery procedures, liposuction too has many risks and complications when a patient reacts to the procedure. The amount of work done by a surgeon and the area contoured has an impact on the complications that can result after the treatment. Some of the risks include.
- Numbness
- Infection
- Contour irregularities
- Fat embolism
- Kidney and heart problems
- Fluid accumulation
- Lidocaine toxicity
Before the surgery procedure is prescribed for a patient, the surgeon has to check on the patient’s medical history and any inheritable diseases in the family. The patient is also supposed to avoid using certain medications and get a laboratory exam before qualifying for the procedure. First the surgeon has to mark the areas that need contouring and show photos of the possible expected outcome to the patient. Depending on the type of surgery and requirement, a suitable liposuction technique is picked. Examples of liposuction procedures include.
Tumescent liposuction-this procedure is done by injecting the person with a sterile solution, normally a mixture of salt water which aids the fat removal process, an anaesthetic such as lidocaine to act as a pain reliever and epinephrin drug which constricts the blood vessels. The mixture works by making the area supposed to be treated to be stiff and swollen. The surgeon makes cuts the patients skin and inserts a cannula tube which is connected to a vacuum suction that sucks the fluid and fats from the body parts. Intravenous IV line can be used to refill body fluid.
Ultrasound assisted liposuction-This technique involves the use of a metal rod that is inserted under the skin and transmits ultrasonic energy. It is also combined with traditional liposuction technique. The ultrasonic energy emitted breaks the fat cell walls and fats making them easier to get rid of.
Laser assisted liposuction-this involves the use high intensity ultralight to disintegrate the fats before performing the procedure. A laser fibre is inserted via a small cut and it emulsifies the fat which is then removed using a cannula tube.
Power assisted liposuction-Involves the use of a cannula tube that moved in a back and forth motion and that removes fat fast and easily. This technique is less painful and does not cause much swelling making the surgery more precise. This procedure in more suitable when removing large amounts of fat deposits or the person has ever had a procedure before.