Tips for Relieving Sciatica Nerve Pain


The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the back of your leg. This type of pain is known as sciatica.

Sciatica pain is felt in the lower back, hips, and down the legs. It is common and can affect as many as 40% of people. Sciatica is more common as you age, with the average age being between 30 and 50 years.

Common sciatica symptoms include

  • Lower back pain
  • Leg pain that gets worse when you sit
  • Hip pain
  • Feeling of burning or tingling in the legs
  • Numbness, weakness, or pain in the foot or leg
  • Sharp, shooting pain makes it difficult to stand.

Sciatica can be very painful. The pain may go away in a few days or become a chronic condition. There are many ways to reduce or stop pain.


It is important to exercise in order to prevent and treat sciatica.

Here are some simple exercises you can try:

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Jogging or walking
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Dancing

Sciatica can be prevented and treated by engaging in activities that increase heart rate but don’t cause more pain.


can help sciatica if you have difficulty moving or are unable to exercise regularly. Gentle stretching can improve your spinal flexibility and range of motion. Stretching can help build core and spine strength.

You can do simple stretches like pulling your arms up above your head or squeezing your shoulders. Stretching is a great way to warm up before you start exercising.

Use Hot/Cold Compress

Sciatica can be greatly reduced by applying a cold or hot compress. A cold compress or an ice pack can be applied for up to 30 minutes to reduce inflammation in the sciatic region. Warm baths, or an electric heating pad, can help stimulate blood flow and ease muscle tension in the hips, lower back, and legs.

Weight Management

Extra weight and obesity can increase the likelihood of developing sciatica. Increased weight can put pressure on the spine, which can cause a herniated disc and sciatic pain. Simple exercises and a healthy diet can help reduce inflammation and pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Good posture

Good posture can help prevent and relieve sciatica.

Here are some tips for maintaining good posture:

  • When standing or sitting, pay attention to the position of your body.
  • To avoid slouching, pull your shoulders back and down.
  • If you have a desk job, or are sedentary, you should position your TV or monitor so that you can clearly see it.

This article was written by a medical professional at Florida Medical Pain Management. Florida Medical Pain Management is proud to offer comprehensive pain management services to a diverse group of patients. Patients at Florida Medical Pain Management can get help managing hip, knee, leg, and neck pain. The practice also offers comprehensive arthritis management, along with treatments for auto accidents, sports, work injuries as well as Ketamine Infusion For Pain Management.