Ace Your MBLEx Exam by Following These Tips


Right after graduating from massage school, the next important step to take is to take the MBLEx exam. By passing the exam, you will become a licensed or certified massage therapist. Some exam takers pass the exam with flying colors, but even those who ace schooling exert effort during the review. If you are planning to take the exam anytime soon, then this article can be a big help to you. Why? Well, below are the tips that might help you pass the exam.

  • Make it a habit to challenge yourself 

Do not underestimate the exam. Most importantly, do not limit your review to things that could be possibly asked of you during the exam. When reviewing for the exam, make it a habit to use challenging resources. Fortunately, there are many up-to-date resources that are valuable for your review

  • Practice timed exams 

Keep in mind that the exam is time-bounded. So during your review, you need to practice time management. You need to learn how to read through the questions without missing anything and make sure that you answer them in a timely manner. Time can get the best of you. It is not only important to know the answers, it is also important to answer within the given timeframe.

  • Make sure you understand the exam per se 

As someone who is going to take the exam, it is important to have a clear understanding of what the exam is all about. Don’t just rely on what others have to say because exam changes over time. What they have taken before might not be the same now. There could be some changes in the exam rules. It is your responsibility to learn more about the exam materials, the grading, and the dos and don’ts.