All you need to know about wound care supplies

The goal of wound care supplies is to help with the body’s natural healing process by providing an optimal healing environment. The choice of dressing will entirely depend on the wound’s characteristics and the stage of healing. So, no single wound care supply can be said as one-for-all type.

That is why a wound care kit can be a life-saver in a home environment where the sustained injuries can be managed. But you should have all the necessary tools and supplies available during the occurrence of an emergency.

This article will give you an idea about all the tools present in the wound care supplies kit.

  1. Medical gloves

You can prevent the transmission of bacteria and viruses present in the blood or bodily fluids by using medical gloves. It is suggested to have both latex and nitrile gloves available in the wound care supply box.

  1. Disposable face masks

This protects both the patient and the caregiver by creating a barrier to stop airborne pathogens.

  1. Alcohol pads

They are an essential part of wound care supplies because they are used to clean the wounds to prevent bacterial infections.

  1. Cotton balls

From a medical perspective, the cotton balls are compulsory components in the kit. They are used for cleaning the wound with alcohol, prepare the wound sites before bandages are applied, and can be used to gently apply ointments to large areas.

  1. Cotton-tipped applicators

These have many uses. They are helpful to gather the sample if needed and clean the wound. Sometimes, medicines or ointments are applied using these applicators.

  1. Gauze sponges

They also form an essential part of the kit. They help by readily absorbing bodily fluids. They act as a sterile barrier against bacteria and dirt when dressing a wound.

The standard gauze sponges are employed for cleaning and care. On the other hand, gauze rolls are used to wrap around a wound present on the limb.

  1. Non-woven sponges

Non-woven sponges are made by tight pressed fibres that are more durable and minimal lint is left behind. This makes it ideal for packing and protecting open wounds.

  1. Dressings and bandages

You need these to keep the wound clean and free of debris. Keep a variety of bandages since each type is specific to the wounds that work.

  1. Medical tape

This has many uses but mainly used for securing and stabilizing the bandage. There are different types of medical tape to cope with various needs. Many brands make sure that they are hypoallergenic.

  1. Ointments and medicines

For proper wound care, you need to have good ointments and medications. Rubbing alcohol, antibiotic ointment, and hydrogen peroxide are some of the must-haves in the kit. They help in cleaning the wound to prevent infection.

The bottom line

Though they seem similar to the first aid supplies, having wound care supplies at home or at work where there are chances of sustaining an injury are really helpful. In hospitals, having such supplies at hand will save time when treating patients.

For a successful wound treatment, stocking up of adequate supplies is mandatory because it can save someone’s life. These supplies are designed to help the patients to heal quickly after they have sustained an injury.