Berkey replacement filters: Several Water Filter Misconceptions You Should Know About

Ensuring everyone at home gets safe and clean drinking water is a must, especially if you have children or sickly people. After purchasing a water filter and some Berkey replacement filters, you do not have to worry about anyone getting sick when they drink water. Nowadays, most homes are getting water filters due to their fear of the virus potentially contaminating their drinking water.

But did you know that there are some incorrect facts that others believe? Most of them are uninformed and would sometimes believe that they are right. You should know that some of those misconceptions tend to be misleading to the point that they would not opt to buy a water filter. Fortunately, you can find several water filter misconceptions that you should be aware of to prevent confusion.

Misconception #1: Water Plants Provide 100% Clean Water

One common misconception that some people believe is that their city water plant provides 100% clean water, whether for drinking or not. You should know that water plants worldwide provide at least 80% of everyone’s water, which means that 80% of the people who use it may get contaminated water.

One fact you might not know about water plants is that they still get contaminants even after how much water treatment they do. They use disinfecting chemicals to ensure they make the water biologically safe to use. However, the downside is that there will be a distinct taste and smell coming out of it, which not many people may like. If the water plants were to provide high-quality water to everyone, they would have no choice but to increase their costs.

If you do not like the water’s taste and smell coming out of your faucet, you can always have a water filtration system installed. But if you only want to clean your drinking water, you have a cheaper option: water filters that you can pour your faucet water in, and it will clean it at a moment’s notice.

Misconception #2: Chlorine Is the Only Contaminant That Should Be Eliminated

Chlorine is one of the several chemicals that water plants use to clean their waters. However, some believe that it is the only contaminant that needs to be removed. As mentioned a while ago, your district’s water plant will still contain all sorts of contaminants, aside from chlorine. Chlorine is also distinguishable because of its unique taste and smell.

You still have many other contaminants that you need to be aware of, such as lead, nitrates, bleach, salts, and even pesticides, to name a few. Chlorine is the very least dangerous out of the other contaminants because water plants only use the right amount that is safe enough for people to ingest.

Misconception #3: Water Purification Eliminates Healthy Minerals That Your Body Needs

Not many people know about it, but water does not contain the needed minerals that your body needs. While it is correct that water purification eliminates minerals, it will not work on your body because most minerals generally come from food, not from drinking water. The only time that your water becomes healthy is if you mix it with other healthy mixes like protein powders.

If you want minerals to be present in your drinking water, you can do it by purifying and re-mineralizing it. It gives you the ability to control what minerals go into the water, like the good minerals, and not other unhealthy minerals and contaminants that can be harmful to your body.

Misconception #4: Bottled Water is Safer Than Filtered Water at Home

Some people prefer to buy packs of bottled water because they think it is the only way to clean drinking water. That is not true because many water filtration systems that homeowners install purify their drinking water when it comes out of their faucets. While bottled water guarantees clean water, it is also the most impractical way to spend your money.

If you want to cut down on your budget significantly, you can purchase a water filter because it provides the same clean water. Another great thing about replacing bottled water with water filters is reducing the number of plastics that get thrown away. At least 80% of the world’s plastic water bottles do not get recycled, which is an alarming number.

Your water filter is your best friend at home or at the office. If you want your water filter to last long, do not forget to maintain it from time to time. It would also be best to have extra Berkey replacement filters lying around if your water filter wears out.