Dry Skin

Dry skin is a condition in which the exposed layer of the skin lacks fluid. Healthy and normal skin is usually coated with lipids or natural fatty substances so that the texture remains moist and soft. However, certain factors can get rid of these layers of natural oils and therefore the skin becomes unprotected. The causes of dry skin are various, mostly from external factors. The skin can be dry due to the chemical content of soap, poor moisturizing, or frequent bathing with hot water. In addition, the side effects of the medication you take may also cause dry skin.

Do not let your skin continue to suffer from dryness, as dry skin can be fatal if left untreated. Therefore find out what is the best dry skin treatment that you can possibly try.

Dry skin may not be noticeable, especially if it does not cause scales. However, when it is touched, then only we could feel that the skin is dry. The medical term for dry skin is xerosis or xeroderma, the skin under which it has a rough and rough surface. Patients will experience intense or stiff sensations when bathing, after bathing or swimming.

Other symptoms of dry skin include redness, itchiness, visible cracks or fine lines on the skin, scratches and even peeling. If the condition is severe, it can cause deep cracks and bleed. Worse yet, dry skin can cause dermatitis or inflammation of the skin, swelling, and infection, if not immediately resolved. Although dry, scaly, and itchy skin can appear on any part of the body; the face, arms, hands, calves, and stomach are often the main area.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent treatment relieving extremely dry skin. If you are looking for a treatment that is ‘one and done’ fix, this condition may not the one. Of course, there are a few steps that you should be following in order to lock the moisture in your skin.

Here are some :

  1. Apply moisturizer daily to the entire body.
  2. Protect skin from UV rays by using sunscreen every time you go out.
  3. Avoid bathing and washing your face with warm to hot water for too long.
  4. Drink plain water to keep the skin from dehydrating.
  5. Do not scrub skin harshly.
  6. Choose alcohol-free skin cleansing and skincare products.

However, if you are still experiencing severe dry skin even after trying out those steps mentioned then you should consult your dermatologist immediately.

Your dermatologist might suggest hyaluronic acid therapy in order to treat your dry skin condition.  Hyaluronic acid or HA is a glycosaminoglycan which is a polysaccharide present on every surface of the skin. HA is one of the key components that work optimally to maintain skin moisture. But according to research done by beauty experts, the age of HA production on the skin is decreasing. So the skin needs extra care through beauty products like serum and cream.

The benefit of HA contained in skincare products is to hydrate the skin to maintain its natural moisture. Your face will feel firmer and brighter due to the HA content that helps maintain the skin’s natural moisture level. In addition, HA can also protect the skin from free radical effects and may increase collagen production on the skin.

In order to know more regarding treatment for severely dry skin, find our aesthetician now.