The two Greek terms “endo,” which means inside, and “adonis,” which means tooth, are the origin of the term “endodontics.” Combining these two phrases suggests researching the dental pulp or tooth’s interior. Specialists in endodontics are knowledgeable about various tooth pulp disorders and associated curative procedures. An experienced North York endodontist emphasizes that the tooth’s interior is made up entirely of dental pulp. The pulp, enamel, and dentin positioned beneath the enamel are all protected by the tooth’s outermost layer. The pulp is shielded from infection by oral bacteria by its tough covering. This outer layer is eaten away and degraded by tooth decay, and holes or cavities expose the dental pulp to these bacteria and extreme heat and cold. Because the pulp is packed with blood vessels and nerves, it can get infected, which can cause pain and sensitivity in the teeth.
Who Is an Endodontist?
Less than 3% of dentists are endodontists, even though all are dentists. Endodontists are specialists because they have completed an additional two or more years of post-dental school study, much like a doctor in any other specialty. Their further education focuses on diagnosing toothaches, doing root canals, and performing other endodontic procedures. An infected tooth may occasionally be salvaged by endodontic therapy. Endodontists proudly claim to be experts at conserving teeth for this reason.
Features of Endodontist
Endodontists have special expertise
Endodontists restrict their therapeutic activities to endodontics and only treat dental pulp. Compared to conventional dentists, who normally do two root canal procedures each week, they complete an average of 25 root canal procedures each week. Endodontists identify and treat toothaches rather than fill or clean teeth. They are experts in determining the root of challenging-to-diagnose facial and mouth symptoms.
Endodontists specialize in pain management
Many people worry about getting one because they may have heard that a root canal is painful. There is no cause for concern. Endodontists employ specialized methods to ensure their patients are at ease throughout treatment. They specialize in administering anesthetic medications, particularly to patients who have had trouble becoming and remaining numb in the past. Your toothache will be eased following the root canal procedure, making you more comfortable when the pulp infection and inflammation are treated. When the tooth’s nerve is drained, the procedure is painless.
Endodontics Process
Some of the procedures that endodontists perform are:
- The root canal is one of the most popular dental pulp treatments for moderate to severe tooth decay. The diseased tooth is opened from the crown to access the root canal inside the tooth. Once the tooth has been thoroughly cleaned and all infectious areas removed, the root canal can be momentarily filled with dental fillings. After the tooth has healed, the temporary filling is taken out, a permanent filling is put in place, and the tooth is flooded to stop re-infection. A crown may be placed on top of the filled tooth to prevent harm.
- To cure a tooth that has not healed adequately or has developed a new issue, endodontic restorative surgery entails removing the veneer that serves as the tooth’s protection and inserting a filling inside the tooth.
- Treatment of dental pulp-related damage or cracks in the teeth.