Graduating College While Maintaining Your Mental Health

Preparing for the world after college. Acing your end of semester tests. Where you are going to live. Managing financials on top of student loan debt. Going away to college and being without being able to see your loved ones daily. Those and other circumstances can emotionally and psychologically overwhelm students with stress, adding additional burdens to their lives and maybe provoking them to perform badly in their studies, which happens a lot more often than you would believe.

The graphic below, Managing the College Stress Epidemic, presents the stress and anxiety battle taking place at the college education level, even an outline of signs, triggers, and treatment alternatives. It is important knowledge for all college students, incoming students, and even parents of college students.

Individuals can also do small things in their daily lives to fight anxiety on their own. Making sure to rest enough every evening, for instance, can give you a huge advantage when combating stress, and yet it is not viewed as essential by most college students. Sufficient rest, working out, and eating healthy will not only lighten stress, but they also contribute to a better well-being — the incorporation of which can be the difference between educational frustration and success.

An excellent start to staying positive, well and keeping anxiety at bay is to continue reading below.