If you’re considering teeth whitening, you are one of many. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular
Cosmetic dental procedures in Cottonwood Heights. It continues to own its popularity because of it’s fast,
Easy, effective, and relatively affordable nature of a process. When deciding whether to whiten your teeth,
Before you make any decisions, always make sure to do your research.
As more and more are opting into teeth whitening, it raises the question of whether to do it at home, at the
Dentist’s office, or both. However, the popularity and effectiveness of going to an office in Cottonwood
Heights are rising. The dentist’s office process involves using a high-concentration peroxide, which tends
To provide better and faster results in a tooth’s color being several shades lighter than with take-home kits
And over-the-counter products. Before you head to your nearest dental office in Cottonwood Heights to
Get a teeth whitening procedure, it is important to weigh the pros and cons to see if it is for you.
●Your teeth will be whiter and brighter than you have ever had before.
●Generally, the teeth whitening will last about a year, much longer than with at-home remedies.
●Whitening your teeth will help to avoid and counteract stains. Stains show up gradually as the
Years go by, mostly due to drinking coffee, tea, alcohol, or cola products.
●Zoom technology has made the process quick. The entire session is just over an hour for results
That will last a long time.
●The right dentist will make you a custom fit bleaching tray to take home. These trays are meant to
Help with touch-ups to make results last even longer.
●Tooth sensitivity may occur and can create some pain during and after the procedure.
●Fillings on teeth could hurt the effectiveness of the teeth whitening. Fillings will never whiten to
The degree that real teeth will, leading to uneven color.
●The shade of whiteness differs from patient to patient. Not all teeth whiten the same.
Whether you are ready to whiten your teeth now or have some questions, Vine Street Family Dental in
Cottonwood Heights can help you decide the best option for you and your oral health. They take pride in
Their Zoom teeth whitening procedure and trust its quality and effectiveness. Visit their office in
Cottonwood Heights and get your beautiful teeth whitening procedure scheduled. They want everyone to
Love their smile, so let them help you build more confidence in your teeth.
Vine Street Family Dental is great place to get a
teeth whitening procedure done in the cottonwood heights area. They have great safety and hygienic practices.