What is microdermabrasion

In this new world, where looking our best is essential, cosmetic surgery has gained a lot of followers and a lot of mishaps. It’s important that you’re informed and choose what’s best for your situation. If you’re considering getting any kind of procedure done, don’t forget to discuss it with your GP and loved ones first.

It’s very tempting to get whatever that celebrity you love also got, but how much do you truly know about it? How will it impact your health and well-being? And if you believe you have the same exact problem they do, then it’s great you found a solution to feeling better but do your research. Always.

That’s why today we’re talking about microdermabrasion. This technique has become so popular lately that there are even at-home kits being sold, so beware. Not everything works and what you’re putting on your skin can be dangerous. We’re all different and your skin will react differently to that celebrity’s. Let’s discuss the facts. If you’re thinking of getting microdermabrasion, then continue reading.

What is microdermabrasion exactly?

According to Auralia, microdermabrasion is “is a non-chemical, non-invasive procedure that uses a spray of microcrystals to remove the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells to reveal younger, healthier-looking skin.”

This means that a professional will remove the top layer of your skin using a spray or rubbing very fine crystals onto the skin. It’s a cosmetic procedure, which the main goal is to make your skin appear younger, more even and exfoliate it, whether that’s your face, neck, chest, back or shoulders. If you thought this procedure was only done to your face, then you’ll be happy to know that you can get other parts of your body fixed too. This is suitable for any skin type and colour and it shouldn’t be painful.

When you go for this appointment, you can expect to take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes and the best thing is you can go back to work right after. It does sound tempting!

What are other advantages of microdermabrasion?

We’ve seen that in general, people who get microdermabrasion want younger, smoother, brighter and more even skin. These are all things you can expect from a few sessions of microdermabrasion. To go into more detail, microdermabrasion can help you if you have an uneven skin texture or tone, if you have acne scars or dark spots because of acne, melasma, scars or even to prevent aging. That’s right! You can use this procedure as an anti-aging one and from the reviews online, I think you’ll be very happy with the results!

As with everything, there are some disadvantages.

There are always pros and cons with everything and microdermabrasion is no different. I always recommend checking the cons with procedures such as this one because you’ll feel calmer and better prepared for anything that might happen afterward. One thing to know is that you might experience some swelling or sunburn-like symptoms in the days after your procedure. You can go to work the minute after it’s finished, but you might look like you got something done. If that’s not for you, then you’ll have to consider it.

Another possible disadvantage is that it takes a few treatments to see better results such as reduced signs of aging. It might take between 5 and 15 treatments and you have to space them out every 2 weeks. This means it can take half a year or more for you to be happy with the results. This obviously depends on your procedure, goals, skin type, and more. And remember, the results are not permanent so you might have to get it done again in your life.

Alternatives to Microdermabrasion

Dermabrasion: this is a surgical procedure but because of that it offers longer-lasting results, therefore being a very good candidate competing against microdermabrasion. The procedure is similar to micro, meaning it also involves removing layers of skin, but due to the nature of the surgery, the recovery time could take up to two full weeks, whereas micro doesn’t involve any recovery time at all. Something to be considered. If you’re looking for almost permanent results, then dermabrasion is the answer.

Chemical Peels: they are similar to microdermabrasion and their results can remain for up to 10 years, depending on the intensity of the peel. There are different levels, if you will, with chemical peels: light, medium and deep. Just like their names, they are either light, which means you’ll need repeated appointments to achieve your end goal, medium are a little more spaced out and last a little longer and deep is the one that can remain up to 10 years and has the longest recovery time.

Besides considering every side well, discussing with your doctor and close ones, make sure you choose the right centre to do this procedure at. Do not go with the cheapest option just because you really want to do it, go with what’s safe, legal and recommended. Do your research and go for a first appointment. If you don’t feel completely at ease, take time to rethink it or look into other cosmetic centres. Being extra careful is always positive when it comes to these types of things, so be ready and then enjoy the results!